Superball is a simple game made in React. It's a recreation of an old Windows game described in this academic project. It's fun! Try it!
Superball is a simple game made in React. It's a recreation of an old Windows game described in this academic project. It's fun! Try it!
HackSim is a deep hardware simulator of my implementation of the Hack computer from Nand2Tetris, an open-source educational project by Shimon Schocken and Noam Nisan. The HackSim project stemmed from my desire to verify my hardware implementation down to the NAND gates and flip-flops.
I led an activity for precalculus students at Oak Ridge High School, Tennessee, where students learned parametric equations in the context of designing a video game. Using Unity game engine, I prepared a basic game that features a player character and several obstacles that must be avoided on the way to the finish line. Each obstacle is controlled by a set of parametric equations. With the help of a custom Desmos utility I designed, each group of students defined an obstacle's motion using parametric equations. In a live coding session, students saw how their equations got plugged right into the game's code!
I have experience teaching high-school mathematics in a classroom setting. If you are teaching parametric equations in a school in East Tennessee and would like me as a guest speaker to facilitate this lesson, please send me an email at connor.c.minton@gmail.com. To read more about how to use this project as a lesson, click the GitHub icon under the title at the top of this card.